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Follow my colorful days and development as a graphic design student, experiencing a new life in warm Sydney on Billy Blue Collage of Design, described in detail with photos, colorful writing and other inspiring stuff. What tips am I learning? What is my project at the moment and how do I get to know Sydney? It will be like you’re with me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Symbols and Distribution - course

Hi guys!

Today it's Friday and that means I have no lessons.

Me, Niklas and Malin are invited to a huge party Saturday night, with the theme True Blood, so the first thing we did when we woke up at 12 in the middle of the day (think we needed that), Malin and I went to a really cheap second hand and bought some stuff, while Niklas's mission was our teeth.

The rest of the day I'm now spending with all my different projects, as you can see above in the movie. I really love the assignments we're getting, so don't feel sorry for me who can not go out dancing tonight. So, this Firday I'll probably spend with Malin, who's got as much work as I do, a bottle of wine, candle lights (it's started to rain), our beloved computers and some laugh.

I have spent so much time looking for a place to live so I have been a bit stressed with all the assignments, but I hope I will find an apartment to apply for tomorrow, when I'm going around town. Saturdays is the Day if you want to get an apartment.

Apartment - applying - papers, around 200

By the way, it's pretty interesting to look for an apartment too. I have met a lot of people and have probably talked in phone with half of the population in Sydney, haha. The other day I went to look at one in central, and it was a pretty nice room. I had almost decided to take it when she said; "Is it ok if three other Japaneses live here too?". The room was like 3x3 m. I got a chock and when I said that I would have wanted my own room and started backing out from the apartment, she said that she got somewhere I could sleep and study! She pointed in to a closet. No windows and maybe a meter deep, 2 meter broad and plexi glass doors in front of it all. For 260/w which is like 7300 kr per month!!!! Hahahaha I died, and went home. Said, kind as I am, that maybe this was not what I had in mind.

Ok, break is over. Now over to create a color palette for my logo idea to our Istanbul Love Hotel!

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Haha, that would have been taking compact living to a whole new level. I suppose she wasn´t joking either? :)