About Me

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Follow my colorful days and development as a graphic design student, experiencing a new life in warm Sydney on Billy Blue Collage of Design, described in detail with photos, colorful writing and other inspiring stuff. What tips am I learning? What is my project at the moment and how do I get to know Sydney? It will be like you’re with me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Run, run, run!

Wonderful to run in the park even though I felt like a stone.

Following projects is what I spend the whole of my days working on, from like 9.00-23.00 (to make you understand how my days look like. This is totally a lifestyle)

In school we are right now talking about symbols, which could be politics, warriors, clothes, well everything you could think of. One of our missions is to reflect upon these and photograph five different symbols for next week. I have already posted some things at my "Symbols-blog"

We are also designing three different logos for a made up publishing company called FACE Publishing. Also in this course, we are making our own typographic self portrait which I will soon post here.

Another project, which is my favorite, is the creative demographic charts about our self. If it turn out really well I can actually use it when applying for a job = as a presentation of our selves.

Project Istanbul will be a Love Hotel for Locals :P This week we need to decide which printing agencies to use and yesterday evening I sketched at some logo ideas combined with research about their religion, culture, women, men, family life and so on. Really interesting!

Soon I'll look at an apartment before heading off to school. Still haven't found any and it's so expensive! If you pay around 6500 kr per month you barely get your own little room to sleep in! That's just too much. And living outside town will take to much time. Also, at almost every apartment you decide you want to rent, you'll have to pay a bond to secure your place, and that can be as much as a several months would be =a lot, and you don't get them back until you move out. If I can just spill out some more words about this, most re viewings of the apartments take place around the same hours of mid day only Saturdays, which means you have to have all your papers about you (everything you can think of) ready and printed in like 20 ex, and you barely have time to go from one place to another 'cause they're all spread out so that means you'll have to take a sweaty expensive cab everywhere that aligns with your plan and schedule. So, now you know what my plan is for Saturday.

This is what occupies my head these days. Hope I'll find something soon, 'cause the 28th I have to move out. Exciting days!

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