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Follow my colorful days and development as a graphic design student, experiencing a new life in warm Sydney on Billy Blue Collage of Design, described in detail with photos, colorful writing and other inspiring stuff. What tips am I learning? What is my project at the moment and how do I get to know Sydney? It will be like you’re with me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New subjects and briefs!

The first two days at Billy Blue I have mostly been confused for me. I thought I was still in class LEYDIN instead of TAN and missed out on the first lesson because of that. I think my head has really been turned off during the break, which is good. But I notice that it takes some time for me to get into the tempo which starts about ten minutes into the first lesson. We get four enormous new briefs in one week and my reaction to this is that I get extremely tired as a chock reaction. In this stage I just want to go to bed and I have no ideas what so ever. Fortunately started to come out of this stage this afternoon when I got my first idea. This semester consist of totally new subjects, teachers and even some of the class mates. One thing that hasn’t changed though is the one sentence long subject names that takes about two months to learn to remember. We get a couple of briefs for each subject in one semester. These are my new subjects and new briefs!

Design Usability and the Community
Package a randomly selected object and brand the packaging so that it can be experienced as an extension to an existing company’s product range. For example my object can be a soap. This could be packaged for Adidas.

The first assessment brief out of this subject is for us to keep a workbook of investigations for this project, which documents their initial concept ideas, materials and reflective process throughout the semester.

Design Research and Ideas Generation
During this subject we are supposed to redesign an already existing space and we will start off in the first brief by redesigning the green area in front of the MLC building in North Sydney. We will work in groups for this assignment.

Interface, Representation and Sequence
For this course we are asked to design a website, HTML based, together with a banner made in Flash. We can chose whatever brand we’d like to create a micro site for, and I have started to come up with some ideas for it already. The first brief is to come up with an idea for the website in Photoshop together with a story board. The last things will be pitched to the teacher and the class in a couple of weeks.

Introduction to Design Research
I’ll have this course tomorrow, so I’m not sure what the course is about yet!

At the same time, Malin, Niklas and I have finally finally found an apartment! It’s beautiful and situated in Kings Cross! We will dedicate a whole room for our desks and create a creative office! It’s a lot to prepare before it’s ready though. Like refrigerator and internet, but I hope we’ll be able to move in Monday evening after school!

Tomorrow after school me and Morgane will meet up with the band that we’re creating the music video for, watch them play and decide what they should wear in the music video.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Låter som att det är full snurr igen och att du kommer få kreativ stimulans upp över öronen, samtidigt som det låter hur kul som helst och ska bli spännande att följa dina projekt. Kände igen delen med att bli trött inför en stor uppgift, har haft precis samma reaktion ett par gånger de senaste veckorna. Men bara man ställer sig upp och kör igång så märker man att "Ja, men det här gick ju bra ändå" :)