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Follow my colorful days and development as a graphic design student, experiencing a new life in warm Sydney on Billy Blue Collage of Design, described in detail with photos, colorful writing and other inspiring stuff. What tips am I learning? What is my project at the moment and how do I get to know Sydney? It will be like you’re with me.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fixing our new home!

This day have been long - in a good way. I've done a lot of things and I decided when I woke up that I deserved a day without sitting by the computer. I started my day with Malin and breakfast at our beloved balcony. Then I cleaned our floors and did some washing before Malin and I headed off to our old apartment and cleaned it and took a look at it for the last time. The rain was pouring down when we walked back through Rushcutters Bay Park. When we got home me and Niklas went for a coffee at one of the oldest cafe's in Kings Cross - just outside our door! We went to buy some important but not necessarily interesting things for our new apartment; cables and light bulbs. But we also bought some more inspiring stuff; seeds for our balcony and spray paint! When we got home Malin and I started to plant our seeds in all the different flower pots that we have found while Niklas decided upon an electricity company. I was smiling from inside when Malin and I pysslade around with the plants. You'll see pictures of them when they've started to grow and when we have created beautiful small signs for them all. Our plan is to hang out at our balcony with friends throughout the whole summer, creating our own drinks grabbing leafs from our herbs! COZY. After that I started to put up my bracelets, ear rings and necklaces in an order that just make you feel like ... ahh. Then I put up a bring but good container for me and Malin's cables, to make them hide under my desk. After that I went out to buy some sand paper. I wanted to paint all the frames we have found. We are planning to put them up, empty, in a specific grid at our wall in the living room! It's going to look beautiful! Unfortunately the paint didn't last, so I have to continue another day, but Malin photographed the process. It looked like if Dexter had been there a couple of minutes before, covering the place with plastic... I finished the day with wonderful pancakes! Tomorrow I'll head of to school and meet up with my group which I'm doing the Aboriginal Children street campaign with.

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