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Follow my colorful days and development as a graphic design student, experiencing a new life in warm Sydney on Billy Blue Collage of Design, described in detail with photos, colorful writing and other inspiring stuff. What tips am I learning? What is my project at the moment and how do I get to know Sydney? It will be like you’re with me.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bookbinding - Tutorial: A5 lanscape

There is a lot of ways of binding a book, and I guess that the first thing that comes up in your mind may be sewing it with needle and thread. That's a really good way I haven't learned yet. The way I'm going to show you is pretty quick and relatively cheap than letting some other company bind it. What you need o know before hand is that this make take some tries before you are happy with it, and also that you need to be really careful and picky! So, let's make a book!
You need your printed paper, included your cover. Make sure the numbering of your book is correct BEFORE you print. It is trickier than you may think. Ask your printer or google it! You also need a cutting pad, a knife, metal ruler (long one) double sided tape and card board (bendable). You also need something to make the paper fold where you can't fit with your finger (I'll show you later on). if you have hot glue, that's just a plus, but normally it's enough with double sided tape. Cut all your  spreads carefully with knife and ruler. Everything needs to be exact. Then measure and cut the hard paper according to the measurements I have posted below. 


Above is the tape you need to have for this. Glue the hard papers onto the cover/back (that must be one total spread and not cut). Make sure you're gluing on the right side! After this, you may want to have a nicer paper on top of everything, before you glue the spreads. Use something to make "folds" between the gaps of the "cardboard-stripes. Fold the book the way it is going to be folded, before you glue your spreads.

After cutting your spreads and made sure they're in the right order, make them even and put them between something that keeps them together. Then, start putting stripes of double sided tape to make the spreads stick together. Make sure you do this on the right side so that you are not gluing the side that is supposed to be opened i the book. When everything is done, glue it quickly! 

If you have any questions or I forgot something, just send me a comment and I will try to explain.

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